Well it has been a few days since my last entry, I have been either gone, busy or sick...UGH.......
But I have got my Mojo back and am ready to catch everyone up.
But I have got my Mojo back and am ready to catch everyone up.
Well Saturday Justice, Tajenai and myself met my mother n law and sister n law for a girls day out. We went and seen the Nut Cracker which was wonderful and then did some shopping and had a nice dinner and a histerical trip home. We laughed till I was sick and it was all due to my sister n law Sheilas lack of driving skills, lol. Guess you had to be there, all I know is that we had a great time and really enjoyed each others company. Thanks Karen(mom n law) for the awsome girls day out .
Here is a pic of Sheila and the girls during intermission, what goofs!
SUNDAY, OH WHAT A DAY!Sunday was spent going to church and coming home with a house full of kids which worked to our advantage actually, we lined them all out in an assembly line and had each doing something to prepare lunch, then we had them all help with the house chores, and when I say all this includes my sons girlfriend Andi and my dd Justices boyfriend Johnny. We laughed and took lots of pics of the kids working side by side and well causing some chaos as they went, but all went well and we had a good lunch, quick clean up and chores done following which left me time for a long Sunday nap which was needed after a long Saturday of fun.
Modays was dd Tajenai's 11th b-day, which I ended up sick with a stomach bug so, the eve. was not what she had planned but we are going to do something for her this weekend. She and her daddy made her a b-day cake and we all (me, dad, justice, bry, james and johnny) gathered round and sang her happy b-day as she blew out her candle, I say candle because we did not have any cake candles so we lit a lil candle I had in one of my Christmas pretties and had her make her wish and blow it out. Then came the real fun, oh yeah, her sister Justice shoved Nai's face in the cake when she took her last blow of the candle. Oh my what a mess and ofcourse the cake fight was on between all. Not me I headed back to bed and let dh deal with the foo My day of sewing!
Today I spent sewing, YAY! And to my suprise I finished Bryanna's Christmas outfit. YIPPY! It is too cute. I also did a lil work on a few of my purses, still have some finishing touches to do to them but they done for the most. I love each of them and have some ideas running around in my brain for the next few I plan on makeing. I will post as I finish. As for tomorrow my goal is to start on Nai's Christmas outfit and do some sewing on some Christmas gifts that I need to have in the mail by the end of this week, YIKES! Wish me luck I seem to think there are a 100 hours in a day and I can do it all.....YEAH RIGHT!
Well I am off to bed, hope you all enjoy the pictures I am sharing. And Katrina here are the pictures of the purses I promised to get taken and put on my blog. They are way cuter in person.
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