Man, feels like forever since I have gotten anything sewn, has actually only been a couple of weeks but for someone who is addicted to sewing it feels like a lifetime.
I began working on my youngest dd's pants for her Christmas outfit last night and was able to finish them tonight and I have to say I love the fabric. It is not your tradional Holiday fabric as you can tell and believe me the shirt fabric isn't either, but when I finish the shirt you will be able to see that it is indeed Christmas fabric. I chose this fabric because the print and the colors can be used even after Christmas is over and that was important to me. I did not want to make an outfit that she would only we
ar once, she grows more each month and there is no way it would fit her again next Christmas so, I was lucky enough to find this fabric at Hobby Lobby for 50% off and it can be used through out the season and will turn the pants into capris and the top into a sleeveless top for summer. Now how versitle is that? You go me!
I plan on finishing up the top by tomorrow(crossing fingers) because I have a busy weekend and am it is very doubtful that I will have time to sit and sew. Ugh......but the good news to that ugh... is that the girls and I are going with my mother n law, sister n law and grandma n law to see the Nutcracker on Saturday. The girls are so excited and I have to say so am I, we have never been to a balley before so this will be quite an experience. I just hope I remember to take my camera and get some pictures of the day. Oh and it will be perfect timing because my dd #3 's b-day is Monday so she will be able to go back to school on her b-day and tell all about her awesome weekend(crossing fingers again, lol.).
I will be so glad when this week is over and I pray that next week will be better. I swear my teenagers are going to be the death of me. If one is in trouble the other is following right after. Seems like they are aliens or something and they are very brave as well. If it was legal to beat your children believe me my post would be on black eyes and bloody noses, lol....... I just don't know where kids get off these days, and mine know better, or atleast they did at one time, seems like now they think they are the boss and they know it all and are going to have the last say. WHAT! I don't think so, not in this lifetime. And so continues the saga as long as I am not giving in and letting them win. But a moms gotta do what a moms gotta do. But the sad thing is that I don't know what to do. I HATE TEENAGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Someone please save me, tell me it is all going to be okay:(
Happy Holidays, and it will be ok.
Teenagers finally grow up,(mind you, thats only when they have worn you out!) My oldest is 27 now, and still behaves like a 16 year old with attitude at times.
Love the bottoms, and cant wait to see the finished outfit. xxx
I like that fabric; great idea to use something that will have more than one purpose.
Your 16 year old will start to lose the attitude when he realizes how hard he must work to pay for what he wants - like to drive! Girls are harder because you can't just verbally beat them with the truth, it all has to be sugarcoated so they don't cry. However, having done it a number of times now (with still more coming up), I can tell you that they are as obnoxious at 13 or 14 as they ever get, and they become somewhat more reasonable as they get older. And guess what! They will believe that you get smarter, too! By the time they're 22 to 24, you'll actually not be a complete drooling fool! Trust me, that feels good!
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