Monday, February 23, 2009

Like a good Neighbor

State Farm is there!

Okay I couldn't resist, I know you all have been wondering when I was going to do that, so there it is, I got it out and I am feeling much better now, lol.......

So far work is going good, I am really enjoying the socializing part more than anything I think. After being a stay at home mom for so many years which I loved I didn't get much socializing except what I got with ages 16 and under, so haveing other women to chat with here and there through the day has been very nice.

I still have tons to learn but thank goodness everyone is being very patient with me. For now anyway,lol.....

Well I have not got any sewing done and am so missing my machine and sewing room. I was planning on doing some this past weekend but we ended up going out of town to do some shopping so I am not complaining I never turn down a day of shopping. During our shopping spree we got one of these

we got a couple of games

and the kids have not stopped playing it since we brought it home. I did get to play it for a little bit last night and I must say it is very addictive. The Mario games are alot like the ones from the old Nintendo game which I loved and I could play. Fun... Fun...Fun......................................


Julia said...

It's great to hear that you are enjoying your job so much. I'm sure they don't expect you to know everything just yet. I like the socializing that goes with work too.

Zep said...

It's all about enjoying your moments with the time you have. I believe your doing it.

I use the Wii as a reward when they do good things to control the time spent on the games because hours pass by like minutes when your playing.

It's great you love your job. I love mine too :)

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

I love our Wii...It's so much fun...I play as much as the kids! Mario Kart is our favorite!

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Congrats on the new job!
Glad to hear it is going well.
We do not have a wii at our house.The kids have so many video game players that are hardly used.My hubby and I would like to have one ourselves tho hee hee.

Bek said...

Good to hear work is going well! I am so tempted by the Wii. My kids are still pretty little, so I am trying to hold back until they are old enough to enjoy it. It does look fun!

Marjie said...

Glad the new job is working out. It does feel good to have conversations which don't involve manners, hygiene, food or something similar, isn't it?

Julia said...

Check my blog to see the award I've sent your way!

Zep said...

You must be very busy since we haven't seen you on here in a while. I hope the job is bringing you lots of smiles.
There's a new award going around.. I'm giving it to you. Enjoy your moments "sister"

JKW said...

State Farm. . . .Good Neighbor? I can tell you do NOT live in Florida. And I use to work at Corp. in IL.

Love to read your blog. I totally understand about your loss. I lost my husband and then my fiance. . .there are tough times that only we know and can understand. I pray that your pain is lessened as each day goes by and the memories make you stronger. You have so many blessings with those beautiful kids and wonderful husband, you are so fortunate.
Blessings for you and your family,