Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sewing room update

Okay will last week I posted about loseing my sewing room. Well it happened I gave in and let my DD have her room back. I am now in my utility room where I originally started out. Oh what a mess we have created with this whole move. Ugh.......there was just not enough time this weekend to get it all done and so my house looks like we just moved in, there are boxes and bags and laundry everywhere, most of it is in my dining room cause it is my sewing stuff and I am having to re organize it all so I can fit it back into the small room I have been sentenced to.
I seriously need to go through my girls clothes they have way to much laundry that none of them keep up with and complain about it when they do have to wash. Guess I don't help with the hords of clothing when I continue to sew for them and add to the chaos. :)
I have been going home every day after work and working in the house for atleast an hour or so depending on how hungry my crew is when we get home and how early dh gets home to cook for everyone, lol, yes he has been the cook and bottle washer for awhile now he is usually home before me and so he just starts supper and so I just let him, lol. :P
I will post pictures of my new/old sewing space as soon as I can see it. lol.........................


Julia said...

BLESS YOU!!! Good luck getting it all organized. I knew you would give in. You sound like the kind of mom who does anything for her children. Do they know how lucky they are??

That Crazy Ajumma said...

Aww,I'm sorry to hear you have to give up your larger craft space.I would be happy with a closet,lol.My livingroom has to share a space with me or should I say I have to share a space with my

window dressing said...

I know that a larger sewing space is always much better than a tiny one but there is a certain high you get out of sewing where you lose yourself in the moment and the only thing that matters is the "creating".

Zep said...

Cheers to your DH for cooking dinner. Sorry you lost your room but I bet you put a big smile on your daughters face. Look on the bright side. At least you have space. I know many people that have none and have to pull everything out in their living/dinning rooms when they want to sew and put it all beck when their done.

Sheila said...

R U Kidding me? My brother cooks?

Back Porch Blessings said...

Sheila, I was like "what?" who is this. lol..........Yes your brother cooks, actually that is his new job for the last few months, I am on strike. Lol!