This print is appropriately called Mad Hatter and includes many of the themes in the Wonderland collection. I just love it and can't wait for it to arrive in the mail. Thanks beesquare fabrics for such a great giveaway. Now all of you bloggers need to get on over to this blog of hers and check out her beautiful fabrics that she has for sale.
I also won a couple of awards, me, yes me, wow thanks Julia at for honoring me with such a great award and Cindy at for a really nice award that warmed my heart. In my books these gals are the ones who deserve these awards and maybe a all expense paid trip to the Bahamas, I promise if there is ever a giveaway for such a vacation I will elect you girls. lol
My first award is the Attitude of Graditude Award
The Rules of Accepting and Sharing this Award
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate a few bloggers who show an attitude of gratitude
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received this award.
5. Share the love and link to this post and the person who nominated you for the award.
6. Tell us how you've come to have an attitude of gratitude.
I have so many bloggers that I want to give this award to but I know that would take me all night so, here are just a few I would like to honor with this award.
Jana at this lady is truely and inspiration such a creative lady and a hilarious mom. She always has something neat to share on her blog and her kids are adorable how could she not show constant grattitude with faces like those. wow what a gal. This lady never misses posting on here, she is a very sweet loving gal that always has something to share. Pick her brain she is pretty funny:)
Ms Faye at this is my girl. I love her spirit and her ability to keep up with all of us and make sure she checks in on you from time to time, she always leaves me comments that inspire me and put a smile on my face.
Jen at I just love this lady, she makes me laugh, oh did I mention she makes me laugh.
Now it is my turn to tell you how I have come to have an attitude of grattitude.
Well I would to say that it comes from my dear hubby. He has taught me how to enjoy life and how to take the bad with the good. He is always the first on my side when I come up with some crazy idea and yes I have had a few, he never discourages me and always encourages me no matter how little or big I may dream. He has taught me to be patient and to see that we are all deserving of love and kindness even when we should get a good swift kick in the you know where:) He has taught me to appreciate myself and that was a task that only a man with his strength could endure. He shows me daily how greatful he is to have me in his life, he show me daily what it means to be a daddy. He has helped me learn to be greatful for life no matter how glamours of lack of it may be. Thank you Dean for loving me.
Okay now that the oshy goshy crap is over lets move on to ME again and the other award that I got.
This award is going to be so easy to pass on and I am going to go to sleep tonight thinking about all my blogging buddies. You know who you are but, just to remind you.......................Have to give this one to my girl Faye at, I love this lady, literally. We have never met but have shared many great ideas and she is so smart and creative that you can't help but love her.
Cindy @ you would think that we have know each other for years and we only met awhile back here on blogspot. This girl knows her stuff and is teaching it to others. Have a sewing delima well she is the brain to pick. You rock Cindy.
Julia at her and I are really hopeing to meet each other some day. We have a lot in common and just genuinly enjoy each other. She sews beautifully.
My gal JC at her comments always warm my heart and I know that all I have to do is ask and she will be there to guide me and pray me through whatever heartache or headache I may be dealing with. this lady(I don't even know her name) always comments on my blog which lets me know she is a true blogger buddy of mine. I know that she is always checking in on me and interested in me and my craziness, lol. Thank you.
Okay well I better wrap it up for tonight. I would like to thank all of my blogger buddies for being so kind and faithful to blogger and to all us blogging gals. There are so many that I did not mention but that is not because you mean any less to me it only means that it is almost 10pm and I am tired and my brain is fried, so get over it, lol. I have learned so much since I have become a blogger and have so much creativness that it has inspired me to be creative. Each of you are blessed and are a constant blessing to so many others. Keep up the good work. Big Hugs to you all. Oh and I almost forget, be jealous, yes be very jealous over the rad fabric I won, I know I would be if it would have been you instead of me. Hey I rhymed, wow another talent I have, hmmmm someone should give me an award for that. :P
Night.......... Night...............
Congratulations on your giveaway win, love that fabric!! and Congrats on your blog awards!! So glad you stopped by for a visit today, hope you have a wonderful weekend!
♥ Teresa
Hi me - I have a Dean too. My little man who isn't so little anymore. I never met a Dean I didn't like which is why I gave him that name. You sound like you have a wonderful Dean too. You are a very lucky lady.
Hey- I wanna get together with Julia and Faye too! Aren't they just great! I love my blog friends. I'm happy we met. I talk about everyone all the time in my sewing classes. The knowledge we share is priceless.
Be good to yourself and enjoy your Memorial Day weekend - remember our fallen. (RIP ALEX - KIA 2004 in Iraq)
Thank you so much for the buddy blogger nomination, but even more so, your kind comments. I was really touched by them. You know that I am only an email away (we need to catch up, anyway). I'm glad to see you blogging more. I'm on the mend from an accident and will be off work until August. Hope to be able to sew something during the time. I'll be in touch again soon. Thank you. -JC
I know that fabric will make something very smile-worthy! and congrats on the two awards! Richly deserved!
Congrats on your wins, the give away.. and also on both of these wonderful awards.
Thank you for thinking enough of me to give me this wonderful award, and saying those very sweet things about me. Your awesome ;)
You are so lucky to win that fabric. It is really pretty!
Thanks so much for the award. You are so sweet to think of me. I am very blessed!
I really like the fabric you won. Congrats on your awards also.
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